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Notice TEKA TKD1610WD

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Extrait du mode d'emploi TEKA TKD1610WD

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

The openings must not be obstructed by a carpet. The exhaust air must not be discharged into a flue which is for exhausting fumes from appliances burning gas or other fuels. The appliance must not be installed behind a lockable door, a sliding door or a door with a hinge on the opposite side to that of the washer dryer. The washer dryer shall not beinstalled at a humid place. The household washer dryer isn't intended to be built-in. The washer dryer whose lid can be opended during water extraction,that it takes 15s or more for complete stop of water extracting chamber tub. - - - - - - P. 06 P. 07 Overview of Washer Dryer Machine Component Install Washer Dryer Machine Unpacking the washer dryer machine Detergent Drawer Control Panel Unpack your washer dryer machine and check if there is any damage during the transportation. Also make sure that all the items in the attached bag are received. If there is any damage to the washer dryer machine during the transportation, or any item is missing, please contact the local dealer immediately. Dispose the packing materials Power Plug Door The packing materials of this machine may be dangerous to kids. Please dispose them properly and avoid easy touch by kids. Please dispose the related packing materials according to the relevant local regulations. Please do no throw the packing materials away together with the other daily living rubbishes. Remove transport bolts Outlet Hose Service Panel Before using this washer dryer machine, transport bolts must be removed from the backside of this machine. Please take the following steps to remove the bolts: 1. Loosen all bolts with spanner and then remove them. Stop the holes with transport hole plugs. Keep the transport bolts properly for future use. Select the location Before installing the washer dryer machine, the location characterized as follows shall be selected: - Rigid, dry, and level surface (if not level, please make it level with reference to the following figure “Adjust Leg”) - Avoid direct sunlight - Sufficient ventilation - Room temperature is above 0 C - Keep far away from the heat resources such as coal or gas. Make sure that the washer dryer machine will not stand on power cord. Do not install the washing machine on the carpet floor. [...] If it is found difficult to close the door,please check if the excessive clothes are put in or distributed well. - - - - - P. 04 P. 05 Safety Precautions - Cautions during Handling Machine 1. Transport bolts shall be reinstalled to the machine by a specialized person. The accumulated water shall be drained out of the machine. Handle the machine carefully. Never hold each protruded part on the machine while lifting. Machine door can not be used as the handle during the conveyance. That the hands shall not be inserted into running water -extracting tub. - The washer dryer is not to be used if industrial chemicals have been used for cleaning. - Oil-affected items can ignite spontaneously, especially when exposed to heat sources such as in a tumble dryer. The items become warm, causing an oxidation reaction in the oil. Oxidation creates heat. If the heat cannot escape, the items can become hot enough to catch fire. Piling, stacking or storing oil-affected items can prevent heat from escaping and so create a fire hazard. - If it is unavoidable that fabrics that contain vegetable or cooking oil or have been contaminated by hair care products. be placed in a tumble dryer they should first be washed in hot water with extra detergent - this will reduce, but not eliminate, the hazard. - Adequate ventilation has to be provided to avoid the back flow of gases into the room from appliances burning other fuels, including open fires. - Do not dry unwashed items in the washer dryer. - Items that have been soiled with substances such as cooking oil, acetone, alcohol, petrol, kerosene, spot removers, turpentine,waxes and wax removers should be washed in Safety Precautions hot with an extra amount of detergent before being dried in the washer dryer. Items such as foam rubber (latex foam), shower caps,water proof textiles, rubber backed articles and clothes or pillows fitted with foam rubber pads should not be dried in the washer dryer. Fabric softeners, or similar products, should be used as specified by the fabric softener instructions. The final part of a washer dryer cycle occurs without heat (cool down cycle) to ensure that the items are left at a temperature that ensures that the items will not be damaged. Remove all objects from pockets such as lighters and matches before use the appliance. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Lundi 11 Novembre 2019.

Le mode d'emploi TEKA TKD1610WD vous rend service

Lorsque vous programmez votre sèche linge sur une durée de 1h10, celui-ci ne fonctionne que pendant 10minutes, avant de déclarer le cycle fini. Le manuel de votre TEKA TKD1610WD vous indiquera comment paramétrer le cycle de votre machine pour qu'il aille au bout de la durée de réalisation que vous aurez choisi. Hier soir, votre sèche linge a produit bruit sourd lors de sa mise en route, depuis il ne fonctionne plus du tout à haute température. Vous cherchez à retendre la courroie d’entrainement du tambour, une pièce détachée d'électroménager pour seche-linge importante, de votre machine pour améliorer sa course, mais vous ne savez pas comment l'atteindre. Vous réussirez avec facilité à intervenir sur la courroie de votre sèche linge pour modifier sa tension en étudiant avec soin le guide de votre TEKA TKD1610WD.

A voir aussi

Liens commerciaux

Courroie pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD4,22 € *
4,22 € *
Résistance pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD17,53 € *
17,53 € *
Programmateur pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD43,57 € *
43,57 € *
Thermostat pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD8,51 € *
8,51 € *
Pompe pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD9,74 € *
9,74 € *
Filtre pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD10,40 € *
10,40 € *
Hublot pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD25,32 € *
25,32 € *
Turbine pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD15,77 € *
15,77 € *
Condensateur pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD7,45 € *
7,45 € *
Moteur pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD38,30 € *
38,30 € *
Feutre pour sèche-linge TEKA TKD1610WD8,32 € *
8,32 € *
Toutes les pièces détachées

* Prix indicatif de vente, le prix exact sera affiché après que vous ayez saisi la référence de votre appareil.