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Notice SAMSUNG SF 3100

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Le mode d'emploi SAMSUNG SF 3100 vous rend service

La cartouche de votre SAMSUNG SF 3100 vient d'être changée et depuis quelques jours les impressions ne fonctionnent plus, le fax arrive, mais la page reste blanche. Vous souhaitez récupérer la notice en français de votre télécopieur. Vous ne parvenez pas à installer de cartouche dans votre appareil. Le manuel d'utilisation vous indiquera comment changer de cartouche correctement. Impossible de d'utiliser votre SAMSUNG SF 3100 qui affiche le message suivant "Dial fax number then press start", et rien ne se passe quand vous saisissez les informations demandées. Votre machine n'imprime plus alors que la cartouche neuve, peut être faut il nettoyer quelque chose mais vous ne savez pas quoi. Vous souhaitez savoir comment le faire fonctionner. Votre fax sonne quand un fax arrive mais n'imprime rien. La notice vous expliquera comment changer de cartouche et imprimer vos fax.

Extrait du mode d'emploi SAMSUNG SF 3100

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

In the event that terminal equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company should notify the customer that service may be stopped. However, where prior notice is impractical, the company may temporarily cease service, providing that they: a) Promptly notify the customer. b) Give the customer an opportunity to correct the equipment problem. c) Inform the customer of the right to bring a complaint to the Federal Communication Commission pursuant to procedures set out in FCC Rules and Regulations Subpart E of Part 68. You should also know that: • • • • • • • • Your Samsung FAX machine is not designed to be connected to a digital PBX system. Special features, such as “Call Waiting”, may interrupt FAX service, and we suggest that these services not be installed on the FAX line. If you intend to use a computer modem or fax modem on the same phone line as your FAX machine, you may experience transmission and reception problems with all the equipment. It is recommended that no other equipment, except for a regular telephone, share the line with your FAX machine. If your area experiences a high incidence of lightning or power surges, we recommend that you install surge protectors for both the power and the telephone lines. Surge protectors can be purchased from your dealer or telephone and electronic specialty stores. When programming emergency numbers and/or making test calls to emergency numbers, use a non-emergency number to advise the emergency service dispatcher of your intentions. The dispatcher will give you further instructions on how to actually test the emergency number. This equipment may not be used on coin service or party lines. This telephone provides magnetic coupling to hearing aids. You may safely connect this equipment to the telephone network by means of a standard modular jack, USOC RJ-11C. Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine Table of Contents Chapter 1. Setup List of Features. 1-2 Familiarizing Yourself with Your New Machine. 1-3 Front View. 1-3 Rear View. [...] See page 1. 7 for instructions on how to enter this information into your Samsung FAX machine’s memory. The Telephone Company may make changes in its communications facilities, equipment operations, or procedures where such action is reasonably required in the operation of its business and is not inconsistent with the rules and regulations in FCC Part 68. If such changes can be reasonably expected to render any customer terminal equipment incompatible with telephone company communications facilities, or require modification or alteration of such terminal equipment, or otherwise materially affect its use or performance, the customer shall be given adequate notice in writing, to allow the customer an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service. Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine Telephone Company Information FCC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The Ringer Equivalence Number and FCC Registration Number for this equipment may be found on the label located on the bottom or rear of the machine. In some instances you may need to provide these numbers to the telephone company. RINGER EQUIVALENCE NUMBER The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is a measure of the electrical load placed on the telephone line, and is useful for determining whether you have “overloaded” the line. Installing several types of equipment on the same telephone line may result in problems making and receiving telephone calls, especially ringing when your line is called. The sum of all Ringer Equivalence Numbers of the equipment on your telephone line should be less than five in order to assure proper service from the telephone company. In some cases, a sum of five may not be usable on your line. If any of your telephone equipment is not operating properly, you should immediately remove it from your telephone line, as it may cause harm to the telephone network. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre télécopieur SAMSUNG SF 3100 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mercredi 10 Octobre 2017. Si vous n'êtes pas certain de votre références, vous pouvez retrouvez toutes les autres notices pour la catégorie Télécopieur Samsung.

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   SAMSUNG SF-3100 (2481 ko)

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