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Le mode d'emploi PHILIPS SAVVY vous rend service

Vous souhaitez récupérer le manuel d 'utilisation de votre téléphone PHILIPS SAVVY. Vous souhaitez savoir comment fonctionne votre appareil. Vous n'avez plus aucun affichage sur le cadran de votre téléphone même avec des piles neuves. Vous ne pouvez pas passer d'appel avec votre téléphone, quand vous tapez un numéro cela sonne occuper et la mention "conférence" apparaît. Télécharger la notice d'utilisation pour savoir comment faire fonctionner votre téléphone. Lors d'un appel entrant avec votre PHILIPS SAVVY le n° ne s'affiche plus et vous n'entendez pas votre correspondant. Vous ne parvenez pas à recevoir et lire des messages, les chiffres 00 et 8 clignotent à tour de rôle sans discontinuer. Vous ne parvenez pas à régler la date et l'heure de votre téléphone, à actionner la fonction haut parleur ou main libre sur votre téléphone.Votre téléphone se décharge trop vite. Vous souhaitez savoir comment changer de langue : allemand au lieu de français. Consulter la notice pour savoir comment régler la langue de votre téléphone, ainsi que l'heure.

Extrait du mode d'emploi PHILIPS SAVVY

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

Manualslib. com manuals search engine getting started 2. 2 make and receive calls Once you’ve registered with Orange, you’re ready to make and receive calls and start enjoying the benefits of Orange. You can begin to use your new phone whilst it is still charging. switch on 1 Switch on your phone by pressing the ‘ON/OFF’ key for 3 seconds. The display will light up and ask you to set the clock (see below), then show ‘Welcome to Orange’, then ‘Registering’, then ‘Orange’. You will see the word ‘Calling’ and the number you have dialled. Listen for the usual ringing tone in the ‘Earpiece’. end a call Press and hold the ‘ON/OFF’ key. set the clock If you are using your phone for the first time or the battery has been removed you will see ‘00:00’. 1 Use the keys to enter the time, remembering to enter the numbers as a 24hr. clock. 2 Press the ‘C’ key to delete a number if you make a mistake. The clock will show the time you have set. The display will show ‘Set’. 3 Press ‘OK’ and you are now ready to make your first call. answer a call When your phone rings, press the ‘CALL’ key. busy a call If for any reason you cannot take a call, you can press the ‘ON/OFF’ key. Your call will be diverted to your Orange Answer Phone (see page 2. 7 for how to retrieve the message). increase/ decrease the earpiece volume make a call 1 Key in the number you want, always use the full area code, even if the number is in your area. 2 Press the ‘C’ key to delete a number. 3 Press the ‘CALL’ key to call the number. [...] 2 Insert the other end of the lead into the base of your removing the battery 1 Press on the latch on the back of the phone and lift off the battery cover. 2 Lift up on the bottom of the battery and remove it from the phone. Note: If you need to remove your SIM Card or battery, always turn your phone off first. Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine 1. 3 register with Orange If your phone wasn’t registered with Orange when you bought it, follow the instructions for your Service Plan below. Switch on your phone before you start. When you apply to register on our Network, you and Orange agree to be bound by the Orange terms and conditions set out in this user guide. Please take time to read and consider them before you register. During your first call to Orange Customer Services you will be asked to ‘create’ a password and 4 number reference code which are individual to you. You will be asked for these whenever you call. Also, please have your address, SIM Card and IMEI/ Serial numbers when you call to register your Orange phone. These numbers will be on the outside of your box. Talk Plan, Boxed & Ready, Everyday 50 customers Please call Orange Customer Services on 150 from your Orange phone or 07973 100150 from any other phone before you make any other calls. This only applies if your phone was not registered at the time you bought it. your Orange phone number This is given to you either when you buy your phone or when you call to register. SIM Card number 8 9 4 4 1 2 IMEI number / Serial number SIM update An envelope symbol on the phone’s display will alert you that you have a text message. This message is a SIM update and shows you are now registered. Simply read it, then delete it, and switch your phone off then on again (Please refer to ‘read a text message’ in section 3 for details on how to do this). Your phone is now ready to use. Just Talk customers Please call 0800 0790006 from another phone to have your Orange phone credited with free talk time. Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine getting started getting started s s 2 the phone’s display s make and receive calls s understanding menus s explore the menu map store a name and number s use your Answer Phone s voice activated dialling s other essentials Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine 2. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre téléphone portable PHILIPS SAVVY : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Samedi 10 Octobre 2017. Si vous n'êtes pas certain de votre références, vous pouvez retrouvez toutes les autres notices pour la catégorie Téléphone portable Philips.

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   PHILIPS SAVVY (1608 ko)

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