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Notice PHILIPS HF3451

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Extrait du mode d'emploi PHILIPS HF3451

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

Preparing for use installation 1 Beforefirstuse,openthehatchinthebackoftheappliance(seechapter`Replacement')and screwthelampintothelampholder. 2 Placetheapplianceat40-50cmfromyourhead,forexampleonabedsidetable(Fig. Putthepluginthewallsocket. , Thetimeonthedisplaystartsflashingandarrowsappearaboveandbelowthetimeto indicatethattheclocktimehastobeset(Fig. setting the clock time 1 Usethe^andthe%buttonstosetthetime. 2 Holdthebuttondownlongertoputthetimeforwardorbackwardmorequickly. Note: If the display does not light up after you have plugged in the appliance, press the reset button on the bottom of the appliance. EnglisH 9 Note: After you have set the time for the first time, you have to press the `set time' button before you can adjust the time again. The time on the display starts flashing and arrows appear above and below the time to indicate that the clock time can be set. Whenyouhavesetthecorrecttime,pressthe`settime'buttontoconfirmthetime(Fig. , Thetimeonthedisplaystopsflashingandthearrowsdisappear. Note: If you do not confirm the time, the flashing stops and the arrows disappear after 10 seconds. This indicates that the time has been set. The appliance is now ready for use. Using the appliance setting the alarm When you set the alarm, you choose the light intensity level, the type of sound and the sound level. The alarm is set when the light ring round the ALARM button burns. The light intensity slowly increases to the chosen level during the last 30 minutes before the set alarm time. The sound slowly increases in 90 seconds to the chosen level after the set alarm time. setting the alarm time 1 Pressthealarmtimebutton(*)tosetthealarm. 7) , Thealarmtimestartsflashingandtwoarrowsappearaboveandbelowthealarm time(Fig. Pressthebuttonlongertoputthetimeforwardorbackwardmorequickly. Pressthealarmtimebutton(*)againtoconfirmthealarmtime. 7) , Thearrowsdisappearandthealarmtimestopsflashing. setting the sound and the sound level 1 PresstheALARMbutton(Fig. , ThelightringroundtheALARMbuttongoeson(Fig. , Thefirstsoundsymbol(radiosymbolforHF3462/HF3461andgentlebeepsymbolfor HF3451)flashesfor3secondsandthesoundcanbeheard. 2 Usethe%andthe^buttonstosetthealarmtime,i. thetimeatwhichyouwishtoget up. 9) Note: If you do not confirm the alarm time, the flashing stops after 10 seconds. This means that the alarm time has been set. 2 PresstheALARMbuttonagainifyouwanttoselectanotherwake-upsound. [...] - - EnglisH Do not use this appliance as a means to reduce your hours of sleep. The purpose of this appliance is to help you wake up more easily. It does not diminish your need for sleep. Always replace the lamp with a Philips 75W E27 SOFTONE softwhite 230V T55 (HF3451) or a Philips 100W E27 SOFTONE softwhite 230V T55 lamp (HF3462/HF3461). The appliance has no on/off switch. To disconnect the appliance from the mains, remove the plug from the wall socket. This appliance is only intended for household use, including similar use like in hotels. general The appliance has been fitted with an automatic protection against overheating. If the appliance is insufficiently cooled (e. because the vents are covered), the appliance switches off automatically. Remove the cause of overheating, unplug the appliance and let it cool down for approx. 20 minutes. Then switch the appliance back on by plugging it in again. We advise you to set the light intensity for waking up to a setting between 9 and 20 (for the HF3451 with 75W lamp) or between 7 and 15 (for the HF3462/HF3461 with 100W lamp). These settings correspond to light intensity levels of 100 to 300 lux. The correct setting depends on your light sensitivity and will have to be determined by yourself. It is possible to select a higher or lower setting. See chapter `Using the appliance' for more details. If light level 20 of the HF3451 is not high enough, we advise you to move the appliance closer to the bed. If you share a bedroom with someone else, this person may unintentionally wake up from the light of the appliance, even though this person is further removed from the appliance. This phenomenon is the result of differences in light sensitivity between people. If you start having trouble waking up again, this is possibly due to a decrease in the lamp's light output that occurs after some time. In that case, you can increase the light level or replace the lamp. If the appliance is used in an industrial area and/or near a power station, it may occur that, under certain circumstances, the lamp goes off after it has come on. This does not have an adverse or harmful effect on the safe functioning of the appliance the next time it is used. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) - - This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre PHILIPS HF3451 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Samedi 12 Décembre 2007.

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Vos avis sur le PHILIPS HF3451

 L'afficheur fait trop de lumiã¨re dans la nuit, trã¨s bon produit un peu cher. Manque la fonction radio, produit génial, et quand on se réveille avec on ne peut plus avoir de radio réveil classique, réveil original. Produit tres sympa a utilisé, bon produit trés content. Bon produit, pas evident sans la notice!, bon appareil, interressant comme produit

 Interessant comme produit, bon produit. Ce produits et tres agreable au reveil, tres bien, apparail bien sympa et agreable . Bonproduit ergonomie phipis et qualité, bon produit pour simuler l'aube !!! et donc un reveil plus doux et agréable attention quand même si vous avez le sommeil lourd . Tres bien, dcsf Mettre l'alarme, c'est impossible, super agreable au reveil. Bon produit, bien mais pas pratique, assez bon produit. Produit très moyen, un gadget bien inutile, mal foutu avec son air fragile et dépassé par ses boutons instable et son réglage d'horloge digne d'une montre à quartz de fête foraineet encore là je pense que dans ce genre d'endroit il ne tombe pas aussi bas que philips la couleur ne change pas, et seulement 2 sons possible oiseaux en boucle ou rythme cardiaque apparament pris dans les chambres d'hopital des gens en phase terminal philips à voulu crée un truc en vogue, sans comme à son habitude rien comprends ni de l'esprit ni de la technologie du 21e siecle rien que de voir les boutons suffis à decourager l'achat ! malheureusement on peut se les voir offrir.