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Le mode d'emploi MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS vous rend service

Vous n'arrivez pas à mettre en route votre GPS. Après avoir cliqué sur "navigation" et accepté le contrat de licence utilisateur, rien ne se passe et vous ne pouvez plus en sortir. Vous possédez un Sportrak qui refuse de se mettre en marche malgré avoir vérifié les batteries et le sens. Malgré les indications de la notice, le gps MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS affiche un message d'erreur lors des mises à jour. Consultez la notice pour trouver une solution à ce problème. Si oui, vous vous demandez s'il y a un paramétrage à faire. Vous avez acheté une Logan break il y a 3 semaines et c'est la première fois que vous avez un gps MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS. Vous ne savez pas comment vous en servir et vous ignorez quoi faire. Consultez la notice pour comprendre pourquoi la touche navigation de votre autoradio est grisée après l'installation du GPS MAPPY.

Extrait du mode d'emploi MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[...] 4 The Database, content or services provided to User may only be used together with User's copy of the Software Product and may not be used separately or with another copy of the Software Product. 2 The User may only use the Databases, content and services available through the Software Product and provided by third parties and the data received through the services provided by third parties (including but not limited to the traffic data received from the RDS TMC or on-line TMC traffic information service) for his/her own personal benefit and at his/her own risk. Licensor does not warrant that the Software Product, Database, content or service are capable of interoperating with any other system, Device or product (e. The Licensor does not warrant the quality, suitability, accuracy, fitness for a specific purpose or territorial coverage of the Database, content, product or service or the availability of the Database, content, product or service, and it specifically excludes any liability for the suspension or cancellation of the service, and any damage arising in relation to the service or for complete cancellation of the service. user acknowledges that the mapping data in Databases contains geographical data and other data. The User hereby acknowledges that (i) inaccurate or incomplete information due to the passage of time, changing circumstances, sources used and the nature of collecting comprehensive geographic data, may each lead to incorrect results; and (ii) that the Database, contents and services provided by third parties may only be used at the risk of the User and for the personal or internal business benefit of the User. User acknowledges that the Databases, content and services are the confidential information of Database Owners and disclosure of the Databases to third parties is prohibited. 5 Purchase and acquisition of activation license for the use of certain functions, Databases, content or services may require Internet connection with no alternative way of acquisition offered by Licensor. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre gps MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Vendredi 3 Mars 2023.