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Notice LG LS-F1260HL

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Extrait du mode d'emploi LG LS-F1260HL

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

· A place which can bear the weight of the outdoor unit and does not allow an increase in noise level and vibration. · A place where the operation noise and discharged air do not disturb neighbors. · A place which is not exposed to a strong wind. · A place free of combustible gases. · A place which does not block a passageway. · When the outdoor unit is to be installed in an elevated position, be sure to secure its feet. · Piping connections to the outdoor unit should be arranged in the sequence A, then B, C, D, starting from the bottom. (For each piping connection, the gas pipe is on the bottom and the liquid pipe on top. ) · When multiple indoor units are to be connected to the outdoor unit, make sure the ends of the pipes and wires from each indoor unit are connected to the outdoor unit correctly. (Problems caused by indoor units being connected to the outdoor unit incorrectly are very common in multiple-unit installations. ) · The length and height differences of the connecting pipes between the indoor and outdoor units must be within the ranges indicated below. Allowable piping length and height difference Item Outdoor unit RAS-4M23SAV-E LS-F1260HL RAS-3M26GAV-E RAS-4M27GAV-E RAS-4M27GACV-E Piping length Maximum for Minimum for 1 unit Maximum for 1 unit total of 3 units -- 2m 25 m 50 m -- Maximum for total of 4 units 60 m*1 -- 70 m*2 15 m Height difference NOTE: For installation, at least 3 sides should be kept away from obstacles (walls). 600 mm or more 100 mm or more from wall 100 mm or more from wall 600 mm or more from wall 600 mm or more As shown in the figure, hang power cord and connecting cable downward. * The outdoor unit should not be installed with one indoor unit only. Be sure the (outdoor) unit is installed with at least two indoor units. *1 If the total piping length for the 4M23 is 40 m or more, add an extra 20 g/m of refrigerant. [...] 12 6 PRÜFUNG UND TESTBETRIEB. 12 7 NÜTZLICHE FUNKTIONEN. 14 SVENSKA 1 SÄKERHETSFÖRESKRIFTER. 1 2 TILLVALSUTRUSTNING, TILLBEHÖR OCH VERKTYG. 3 3 VILKA MODELLER SOM GÅR ATT KOMBINERA. 5 4 INSTALLATION AV UTOMHUSENHETEN. 6 5 JORDNING. 12 6 KONTROLL OCH TESTKÖRNING. 12 7 PRAKTISKA FUNKTIONER. 14 ITALIANO 1 PRECAUZIONI PER LA SICUREZZA. 1 2 COMPONENTI OPZIONALI, ACCESSORI E STRUMENTI. 3 3 QUALI MODELLI É POSSIBILE COMBINARE. 5 4 INSTALLAZIONE DELL'UNIT À ESTERNA. 6 5 MESSA A TERRA. 12 6 CONTROLLI E FUNZIONAMENTO DI PROVA. 12 7 FUNZIONI UTILI. 14 1. 1 2 ,. 14 ESPAÑOL 1 PRECAUCIONES SOBRE SEGURIDAD. 1 2 PARTES OPCIONALES, ACCESORIOS Y HERRAMIENTAS. 3 3 QUÉ MODELOS PUEDEN COMBINARSE. 5 4 INSTALLATION DE LA UNIDAD EXTERIOR. 6 5 CONEXIÓN A TIERRA. 12 6 COMPROBACIÓN Y OPERACIÓN DE PRUEBA. 12 7 FUNCIÓN PRÁCTICA. 14 i 01_OutdoorInstallation_EN...

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre climatiseur LG LS-F1260HL : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Dimanche 4 Avril 2008. Si vous n'êtes pas certain de votre références, vous pouvez retrouvez toutes les autres notices pour la catégorie Climatiseur Lg.

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   LG LS-F1260HL (5331 ko)

Vos avis sur le LG LS-F1260HL

 Pas d avis pour le moment, appareil ancien on ne trouve plus le gaz. Pas mal.

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