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Notice LG A09AWM SP0

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Extrait du mode d'emploi LG A09AWM SP0

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

Poor ventilation causes oxygen shortage. · Do not place any combustion appliance in a place where it is directly exposed to the wind of air conditioner, otherwise it may cause imperfect combustion. · When the air conditioner is used in a closed room, be careful of sufficient ventilation of the room. Poor ventilation causes oxygen shortage. · Do not touch any switches with wet finger, otherwise you may get an electric shock. · If the air conditioner won't be used for a considerably long time, turn off the main switch or the circuit breaker, for safety. · Check the concrete blocks, etc. of the base of the outdoor unit occasionally. If the base is left damaged or deteriorated, the unit may topple over and inflict an injury to a person as the worst case. · Do not put anything on the outdoor unit nor step onto it. If you do so, it may not only topple over the unit but also injure yourself. · To make the air conditioner operate in its original performance, operate it within the range of the operating temperature specified in the instructions. Otherwise it may cause a malfunction, or water leak from the unit. · Prevent any liquid from falling into the remote controller. Do not spill juice, water or any kind of liquid. 2 GREEK DUTCH ITALIAN GERMAN CAUTIONS ABOUT OPERATION FRENCH ENGLISH ENGLISH PARTS NAME Indoor unit NOTE : Parts marked with XXX indicate the locally procured parts. Connecting duct Supply air grille Indoor unit Duct flange Air filter Canvas Supply air chamber Return air grille REMOTE CONTROLLER Outdoor unit Air inlet (Side and rear) Remote controller Pipes and electric wires Air outlet 3 PARTS NAME OF REMOTE CONTROLLER Display section All display items are shown in right figure for the explanation. Only selected contents are displayed in actual operation. [...] Óáò åõ÷áñéóôïýìå ðïëý ðïõ ðñïôéìÞóáôå ãéá ôçí áãïñÜ óáò Ýíá Êëéìáôéóôéêü LG. Ðáñáêáëïýìå äéáâÜóôå ðñïóå÷ôéêÜ ôéò ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò ðñéí áðü ôç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ Êëéìáôéóôéêïý. Âåâáéùèåßôå üôé ï êáôáóêåõáóôÞò (Þ ï ðùëçôÞò) óáò ðáñÝäùóå êáé ôéò Ïäçãßåò ×ñÞóçò êáé ôï Åã÷åéñßäéï ÅãêáôÜóôáóçò. ÐáñÜêëçóç ãéá ôïí êáôáóêåõáóôÞ Þ ôïí ðùëçôÞ Ðáñáêáëþ åîçãÞóôå ìå óáöÞíåéá ôá ðåñéå÷üìåíá ôùí Ïäçãéþí ×ñÞóçò êáé ðáñáäþóôå ôï. ADOPTION OF NEW REFRIGERANT This Air Conditioner is a new type which adopts a new refrigerant HFC (R410A) instead of the conventional refrigerant R22 in order to prevent destruction of the ozone layer. UTILISATION DU NOUVEAU REFRIGERANT Ce climatiseur est d'un type inédit qui utilise le nouveau réfrigérant HFC (R410A) au lieu du réfrigérant traditionnel R22, afin d'éviter la destruction de la couche d'ozone. EINFÜHRUNG EINES NEUEN KÜHLMITTELS Dies ist ein neuartiges Klimagerät. Anstatt des herkömmlichen Kühlmittels R22 verwendet es das neue ozonschichtschonende HFC Kühlmittel R410A. ADOZIONE DI UN NUOVO REFRIGERANTE Questo condizionatore d'aria è di un tipo nuovo che adotta un nuovo refrigerate HFC (R410A) al posto del refrigerante convenzionale R22, per prevenire la distruzione dello strato di ozono dell'atmosfera terrestre. ADOPCIÓN DE NUEVO REFRIGERANTE Este aparato de aire acondicionado es un modelo reciente que incorpora el nuevo refrigerante HFC (R410A) en lugar del refrigerante convencional R22 para así evitar daños en la capa de ozono. ADOPÇÃO DO NOVO REFRIGERANTE Este ar condicionado é um modelo novo que adopta um novo refrigerante HFC (R410A) em vez do refrigerante convencional R22 para evitar a destruição da cama de ozono...

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre climatiseur LG A09AWM SP0 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Dimanche 4 Avril 2008. Si vous n'êtes pas certain de votre références, vous pouvez retrouvez toutes les autres notices pour la catégorie Climatiseur Lg.

Vos avis sur le LG A09AWM SP0

 Tres bonne clim, tres bon produit.

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