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Le mode d'emploi HUBSAN X4 PRO STANDARD (H109S) FPV RTF vous rend service

Vous ignorez pourquoi, après un an sans utilisation, votre drone qui fonctionnait parfaitement ne parvient plus à se calibrer et à décoller. La notice vous fournira la procédure à suivre si cela fait 1 an que vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone HUBSAN X4 PRO STANDARD (H109S) FPV RTF qui fonctionnait très bien. Vous avez changé les piles et chargé la batterie, mais il ne veut pas se calibrer ni décoller malgré vos actions habituelles. Vous ignorez pourquoi, après un an d'inutilisation, malgré le changement de piles et la charge de la batterie, votre drone ne se calibre pas et ne décolle pas, alors que vous procédez comme d'habitude. Vous ignorez pourquoi vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone depuis un an alors qu'il fonctionnait très bien, et maintenant vous rencontrez des difficultés pour le calibrer et le faire décoller. La notice explique pourquoi cela fait 1 an que vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone HUBSAN X4 PRO STANDARD (H109S) FPV RTF qui marchait très bien. Vous avez changé les piles et chargé la batterie, mais il ne veut pas se calibrer ni décoller malgré que vous fassiez comme d'habitude.

Extrait du mode d'emploi HUBSAN X4 PRO STANDARD (H109S) FPV RTF

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

07 Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine ©2016 Hubsan 哈博森科技 版权所有 BATTERY 2 SAFETY NOTES 2. 1 IMPORTANT NOTES This X4 Pro is not a toy. Any improper use of this product will result in serious injury. Be aware of your personal safety, the safety of others and your surrounding environment. We strongly recommend that beginners learn to fly with proper instruction from more experienced pilots before attempting to fly the X4 Pro for the first time. It is your responsibility to comply with your country's remote controlled and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle flight regulations! 2. 2 LIPO BATTERY SAFETY NOTES The X4 Pro is powered by a lithium-polymer (LiPo) battery. To avoid risk of fire or damage, never recharge your battery while it is inserted in the plane. If you do not plan to fly the plane for a week or more, store the battery approximately 50% charged to maintain battery performance and life. ! LiPo batteries are different from conventional batteries in that their chemical contents are encased in a relatively lightweight foil packaging. This has the advantage of significantly reducing their weight, but does make them more susceptible to damage if roughly or inappropriately handled. As with all batteries, there is a risk of fire or explosion if safety practices are ignored: Charge and store LiPo batteries in a location where a battery fire or explosion (including smoke hazard) will not endanger life or property. Keep LiPo batteries away from children and animals. Never charge the LiPo battery that has ballooned or swelled. Never charge the LiPo battery that has been punctured or damaged. After a crash, inspect the battery pack for signs of damage. Discard in accordance with your country’s recycling laws. Never charge the LiPo battery in a moving vehicle. Never overcharge the LiPo battery. Never leave the LiPo battery unattended during recharging. Do not charge LiPo batteries near flammable materials or liquids. Ensure that charging leads are connected correctly. Reverse polarity charging can lead to battery damage, fire, or explosion. Have a suitable fire extinguisher (electrical type) OR a large bucket of dry sand near the charging area. Do not try to extinguish (LiPo) battery fires with water. Reduce risks from fire/explosion by storing and charging LiPo batteries inside a LiPo charge sack. [...] EQUIPMENT Camera X4 Pro with gimbal SUPPLIED POWER 3. 7V 650mAh rechargeable LiPo battery 11. 1V 7000mAh rechargeable LiPo battery 1. 1 LIPO BATTERY IN THE X4 PRO The X4 Pro is equipped with a 11. 1V, 3 cell, 7000mAh rechargeable LiPo battery. Always charge the LiPo battery with the Hubsan charger. BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS Charging temperature: 0°C~40°C Charging/ Discharging humidity:< 80% Discharging temperature: - 20°C~50°C 1. 2 CHARGING Connect battery to balance charger and wall charger. The two LED lights will turn red when charging and turn green when charging is finished. The charging time is about 180 mins. + - 06 ©2016 Hubsan 哈博森科技 版权所有 Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine BATTERY (1) Overcharge protection (2) Over-discharge protection (3) Short circuit protection Overcharge protection prevents battery damage by automatically ending charging when the battery reaches 12. Over-discharge protection protects the battery by cutting off power when the battery reaches 8. Short circuit protection powers off the X4 Pro as soon as a short circuit is detected. 3 POWER ON/ OFF THE X4 PRO LIPO BATTERY Power on: Put the battery into the battery compartment and connect the battery plug with the correct polarity. When the X4 Pro is power on, the blue LEDs on X4 Pro will blink in a rotating pattern. Power off: Disconnect the battery connector plug to remove power from the X4 Pro. The LEDs will turn off. 4 CHECK THE LIPO BATTERY POWER GPS After the X4 Pro and the Transmitter finish pairing, the battery power will display on the LCD screen. 8 HUBSAN H+49° R±1° P 0° / S0. 0ms 0m +0. 0m A L T R X 11. 5V 12V Dist N22. 7911066 E114. 0477988 M2 0:04:47 Altitude Hold Always partially charge your LiPo battery before storage. LiPo batteries retain a charge over a long period at about a 50% or 3. 5V per cell storage charge. It is not normally necessary to recharge stored LiPo batteries unless stored for periods longer than 3-6 months. If your LiPo battery has been over-discharged, it will not be possible to recharge it again. LiPo Battery Disposal & Recycling Lithium-Polymer (LiPo) batteries must not be placed in with household trash. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre drone HUBSAN X4 PRO STANDARD (H109S) FPV RTF : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mardi 2 Février 2020.

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