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Notice HUBSAN H111D

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Le mode d'emploi HUBSAN H111D vous rend service

Vous aimeriez savoir pourquoi votre drone, qui fonctionnait très bien il y a un an, ne parvient plus à se calibrer et à décoller malgré vos tentatives. Vous aimeriez savoir pourquoi votre drone, qui fonctionnait parfaitement il y a un an, ne parvient plus à se calibrer et à décoller après une longue période sans utilisation. La notice vous permet de vérifier pourquoi cela fait 1 an que vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone HUBSAN H111D qui marchait très bien. Vous vous demandez pourquoi, après un an sans utilisation, votre drone refuse de se calibrer et de décoller malgré le changement de piles et la charge de la batterie, alors que vous avez suivi la procédure habituelle. La notice vous permettra de comprendre pourquoi cela fait 1 an que vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone HUBSAN H111D qui fonctionnait très bien. Vous avez changé les piles et chargé la batterie, mais il ne veut pas se calibrer ni décoller malgré vos actions habituelles.

Extrait du mode d'emploi HUBSAN H111D

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

The beeps will last for 2 seconds. In this 2 seconds, push the accordance sticks to perform the flips. 1 Left Flip Push the Aileron stick to the left. Release the stick to the center position after the flip. MODE 2 MODE 1 11 ©2016 Hubsan 哈博森科技 版权所有 7. 2 Right Flip Push the Aileron stick to the right. Release the stick to the center after the flip. MODE 2 MODE 1 7. 3 Forward Flip Pull the Elevator stick forward. Release the stick to the center after the flip. MODE 2 MODE 1 7. 4 Backward Flip Push the Elevator stick backward. Release the stick to the center after the flip. MODE 2 MODE 1 12 ©2016 Hubsan 哈博森科技 版权所有 8. TRANSMITTER Recording time 0:08:49 M1 Transmitter’s battery capacity ElevatorTrimming Rudder Trimming ThrottleTrimming Aileron Trimming MODE 1 Recording time 0:08:49 M2 Transmitter’s battery capacity ThrottleTrimming Rudder Trimming ElevatorTrimming Aileron Trimming MODE 2 LCD 8 Video 6 Throttle Trim (1) Throttle /Aileron Stick 7 Power SW 3 Aileron Trim 4Elevator Trim (2)Elevator/Rudder Stick 5 Rudder Trim MODE 1 LCD 6Throttle Trim 1 Throttle /Rudder Stick 5 Rudder Trim 8 Video 4Elevator Trim 2 Elevator/Aileron Stick 7 Power SW 3 Aileron Trim MODE 2 13 ©2016 Hubsan 哈博森科技 版权所有 8. 1 INPUT KEY FUNCTION S/N (1) Mode/ Control MODE 1 Throttle/Aileron Stick Function Push the stick forward or backward and the quadcopter will ascend or decend; Push the stick left or right and the quadcopter will fly left or right. Push the stick forward or backward and the quadcopter will fly forward or backward;Push the stick left or right and the quadcopter will rotate counter clockwise or clockwise. Push the stick forward or backward and the quadcopter will ascend or decend; Push the stick left or right and the quadcopter will rotate counter clockwise or clockwise. Push the stick forward or backward and the quadcopter will fly forward or backward;Push the stick left or right and the quadcopter will fly left or right. Aileron trim adjusts for left and right drift. Elevator trim adjusts for forward and backward drift. Rudder trim adjusts for drift of left and right rotation or yaw. Throttle trim is normally left at neutral. Push to turn on the transmitter. Push again to turn off. Press video button to start recording and press again to stop. [...] Pull down the stick and the Q4 will descend. When the stick is in the center, the Q4 will hover and hold its alititude automatically. Move the throttle stick above the center position to take off. (Move the stick gradually to prevent the Q4 from ascending too quickly. ) Down Right rotation The Rudder stick controls the rotate direction Push the stick to the left and the Q4 will rotate counter-clockwise Push the stick to the right and the Q4 will rotate clockwise. When the stick is in the center,the Q4 will keep the current direction and not rotate. Left rotation Forward Pushing harder will cause the Q4 to rotate faster in the corresponding directions. The Elevator stick moves the Q4 forward and backward. Push the stick up the and the Q4 will fly forward. Pull the stick down and the Q4 will fly backward. When the stick is in the center, the Q4 will hold its position. Backward The angle of stick movement corresponds to the angle of tilt and flight speed. 09 ©2016 Hubsan 哈博森科技 版权所有 The Aileron stick controls left and right flight. Push the stick to the left and the Q4 will fly to the left. Push the stick to the right and the Q4 will fly to the right. Left Right The Q4 will keep the current status when the stick is in the center. The angle of stick movement corresponds to the angle of tilt and flight speed. 4 VIDEO Insert the SD card into the transmitter before using Video function. Press the Video button for 0. 5 second to take videos and press again to save the videos. SD VIDEO Stop recording before the SD card is removed. ADVANCED PERFORMANCE SETUP 7. 1 NORMAL MODE/ EXPERT MODE MODE 1 MODE 2 The default setting for Q4 is Normal Mode,and the Expert Mode can be activated to have a better sensitivity on the performance of the Q4. Press the Elevator stick 0. 5 second to shift between Normal Mode and Expert Mode. When it enters into Expert Mode, “EXPERT MODE” will be displayed on LCD, indicated by two “Beeps”. 10 ©2016 Hubsan 哈博森科技 版权所有 7. 2 HEADLESS MODE Press the Throttle stick 0. 5 second to switch on/ off headless mode. Press the stick to enter into the headless Mode, indicated by two "beeps" and the front LED will blink slowly. Press the stick again to exit headless Mode, indicated by one "beep". MODE 1 MODE 2 7. 3 AERIAL FLIP Press and hold down the Throttle stick for 1. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre drone HUBSAN H111D : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mardi 2 Février 2020.

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