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Notice GRUNDIG GKNI 15730

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Le mode d'emploi GRUNDIG GKNI 15730 vous rend service

Vous avez un vieux réfrigérateur qui fuit de l'eau en dessous et vous vous demandez ce que vous pouvez faire pour le réparer. Vous vous demandez combien de livres de gaz contiennent les réfrigérateurs à 3 portes comme celui de Coca-Cola. Si vous avez un réfrigérateur GRUNDIG GKNI 15730 no frost qui ne refroidit pas correctement, consultez la notice pour résoudre le problème. Pour un réfrigérateur sr 44 dont la résistance ne fonctionne pas, consultez la notice pour des solutions. Consultez le guide d'utilisation pour connaître la capacité du compresseur de votre réfrigérateur. Consultez le mode d'emploi pour obtenir des informations sur un réfrigérateur écologique à deux portes horizontales semi-givrées. Consultez le manuel d'utilisation si votre réfrigérateur fait trop froid dans la partie réfrigérateur. Consultez la notice si la sonnerie d'alarme de votre réfrigérateur retentit en permanence. Vous constatez une fuite d'eau à l'intérieur du réfrigérateur dans les tiroirs inférieurs et qui s'écoule à l'extérieur. Consultez le mode d'emploi pour savoir à quel numéro régler la molette de votre réfrigérateur GRUNDIG GKNI 15730 afin de le refroidir davantage.

A voir aussi

Extrait du mode d'emploi GRUNDIG GKNI 15730

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

You can learn the gas used in production of your product on the rating plate located on the left inner part of it. WARNING: Never dispose the product in fire. • Pressure of water mains should be minimum 1 bar and maximum 8 bars. • Use only potable water. 2 Intended use • This product has been designed for domestic use. It is not suitable for commercial use and it must not be used out of its intended use. • Product must be used only for storing food. • The manufacturer waives any responsibility arisen from incorrect usage or transportation. • The service life of your product is 10 years. During this period, original spare parts will be available to operate the appliance properly. 5 / 20 EN Important instructions for safety and environment 1. 3 Children's safety • Packaging materials are dangerous for the children. Keep packaging materials in a safe place away from reach of the children. • Electrical products are dangerous for the children. Keep children away from the product when it is in use. • If the product's door is equipped with a lock, keep the keys away from reach of children. 6 Package information Packaging materials of the product are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our National Environment Regulations. Do not dispose of the packaging materials together with the domestic or other wastes. Take them to the packaging material collection points designated by the local authorities. 4 Compliance with WEEE Directive and Disposing of the Waste Product: This product complies with EU WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU). This product bears a classification symbol for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This product has been manufactured with high quality parts and materials which can be reused and are suitable for recycling. Do not dispose of the waste product with normal domestic and other wastes at the end of its service life. Take it to the collection center for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Please consult your local authorities to learn about these collection centers. 5 Compliance with RoHS Directive: The product you have purchased complies with EU RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU). It does not contain harmful and prohibited materials specified in the Directive. 6 / 20 EN Refrigerator/User Manual 2 Your Refrigerator 12 11 1 2 3 10 9 4 5 8 7 6 1. [...] 4 / 20 EN Refrigerator/User Manual Important instructions for safety and environment • Do not damage the cooling circuit, where the refrigerant is circulating, with drilling or cutting tools. The refrigerant that might blow out when the gas channels of the evaporator, pipe extensions or surface coatings are punctured may cause skin irritations and eye injuries. • Do not cover or block the ventilation holes on the refrigerator with any material. • Place the beverage with higher proofs tightly closed and vertically. • Do not use gaseous sprays near the product since there is the risk of fire or explosion! • Flammable items or products that contain flammable gases (e. spray) as well as the explosive materials should never be kept in the appliance. • Do not place containers filled with liquid on top of the product. Spilling water on an electrical component may cause electric shocks or risk of fire. • Do not store products (vaccines, heatsensitive medicines, scientific materials and etc. ) that require a precise temperature control in the refrigerator. • If you will not operate the product for a long period of time, unplug and unload the food in it. • If the product is equipped with blue light, do not look at the blue light with optical tools. • Exposing the product to rain, snow, sun and wind is dangerous with respect to electrical safety. • In products with mechanical control (thermostat), wait for minimum 5 minutes to plug in the product again after unplugging it. • Do not overload the product. It may fall when the door is opened, and cause injury or damage. Similar problems may occur in case of putting things on top of the product. • If the product's door is equipped with a handle, do not pull by the handle when changing the place of the product. Handle may get loose. Refrigerator/User Manual • Pay attention not to have your hand or any part of your body get caught by the moving parts inside the product. 1 HCA warning • If the product is equipped with a cooling system containing R600a gas, pay attention not to damage the cooling system and piping during usage and transportation. This gas is flammable. If the cooling system is damaged, keep the product away from potential sources that can cause the system catch a fire and ventilate the room in which the unit is placed immediately. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre réfrigérateur GRUNDIG GKNI 15730 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mardi 4 Avril 2021.

Joint pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 1573022,72€ *
22,72€ *
Thermostat pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 157308,12€ *
8,12€ *
Clayette pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 1573013,20€ *
13,20€ *
Poignée pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 157307,33€ *
7,33€ *
Bac pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 1573017,89€ *
17,89€ *
Résistance pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 1573012,34€ *
12,34€ *
Ventilateur pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 1573010,62€ *
10,62€ *
Filtre pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 157305,64€ *
5,64€ *
Ampoule pour réfrigérateur ou frigo GRUNDIG GKNI 157303,68€ *
3,68€ *
Toutes les pièces détachées

* Prix indicatif de vente, le prix exact sera affiché après que vous ayez saisi la référence de votre appareil.