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Notice DJI MATRICE 600

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Le mode d'emploi DJI MATRICE 600 vous rend service

Vous aimeriez savoir pourquoi, aprè sun an sans utilisation, votre drone qui fonctionnait très bien ne parvient plus à se calibrer et à décoller. Vous voulez savoir pourquoi, après un an sans utilisation, votre drone qui fonctionnait très bien ne parvient plus à se calibrer ni à décoller. La notice vous indiquera la procédure à suivre si cela fait 1 an que vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone DJI MATRICE 600 qui fonctionnait très bien. Vous avez changé les piles et chargé la batterie, mais il ne se calibre pas ni ne décolle, malgré vos tentatives habituelles. Vous aimeriez savoir pourquoi, après un an sans utilisation, malgré le changement de piles et la charge de la batterie, votre drone refuse de se calibrer et de décoller alors que vous suivez la procédure habituelle. Vous aimeriez savoir pourquoi, malgré le remplacement des piles et le chargement de la batterie, votre drone refuse de se calibrer et de décoller alors que vous suivez la procédure habituelle. La notice est disponible pour vous guider si cela fait 1 an que vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone DJI MATRICE 600 qui fonctionnait parfaitement.

Extrait du mode d'emploi DJI MATRICE 600

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

Mount the frame arms marked “CCW” to the M1, M3 and M5 positions of the center frame. Mount the arms marked “CW” to the M2, M4 and M6 positions of the center frame. M2 Aircraft’s Front M1 M3 M6 M4 M5 6  © 2017 DJI All Rights Reserved. MATRICE 600 User Manual 2. Remove the lower cover of the center frame for installation and connection. Insert the frame arm into the arm connector on the center frame with the propeller away from the center frame. Rotate the frame arm to align the screw holes on the frame arm and connector. Then insert and tighten four M3×6. 5 screws. Pull the cables of the frame arm through the arm stopper and insert the stopper into the arm connector. Pull the cables through the cable outlet and cable fixing ring on the lower plate of the center frame. Arm Stopper Lower Plate of the Center Frame Cable Outlet Cable Fixing Ring 6. Gently lift the frame arm. Twist the red knob to lock each arm in place. Be sure you hear an audible click, which indicates a proper lock. Check the arm for movement. To store, untwist the knob and lower the frame arm. © 2017 DJI All Rights Reserved.   7 MATRICE 600 User Manual 7. Connect the power cables to the center frame. Each cable must be screwed into a positive (+) or negative (-) gold bracket. Red cables are positive and black cables are negative. Each bracket will have two cables of the same color screwed into it. Then tighten each M3×5. 5 screw (square head) using the square socket wrench. Plug each ESC signal cable into the slot near each arm on the center frame. Power Cables ESC Signal Cable 9. Ensure that all ESC cables and power cables are correctly installed on the center frame. Identify the position and rotational direction of the motors. When viewed from above, motors M1 to M6 are arranged counter-clockwise with motors M1 and M2 at the front of the aircraft and motors M5 and M6 at the rear. Motors M1, M3 and M5 rotate counter-clockwise as indicated by the “CCW” mark, while motors M2, M4 and M6 rotate clockwise as indicated by the “CW” mark. M2 M1 M3 M6 M4 M5 Mounting the Retractable Modules   DO NOT mix up the mounting positions for the left and right retractable modules. Identify the left module by locating the control board and power cable integrated on the left module.   Operate with care to avoid injury from the connecting arm. [...] The builtin API Control feature, expandable center frame and maximum takeoff weight of 15. 1 kg make the Matrice 600 ideal for connecting other devices to meet the specific needs of different applications. Highlighted Features The DJI next-generation A3 flight control system and Lightbridge 2 transmission system are built into the Matrice 600 for accurate and stable flight performance and real-time HD transmission. The Matrice 600 is fully compatible with the DJI Onboard and Mobile SDKs, allowing developers to optimize the flying platform for specific applications. The A3 can be upgraded to the A3 Pro by two upgrade kits. The A3 Pro’s three GPS modules and IMUs add triple modular redundancy to greatly reduce the risk of system failure. The Matrice 600 is compatible with the DJI Zenmuse X3, X5 series, XT gimbal with camera, Zenmuse Z15 series HD gimbal, and Ronin-MX gimbal for professional aerial photography and industrial applications. The expandable center frame makes it easy to mount additional components and devices to achieve greater functionality and results. The Matrice 600 uses six Intelligent Flight Batteries and a patented battery management system to extend flight time and provide safe and reliable power supply. The retractable landing gear included with the Matrice 600 allows for clear, 360-degree camera views. © 2017 DJI All Rights Reserved.   5 Installation Tools Required: 1. 5 mm hex key, 2. 0 mm hex key, 2. 5 mm hex key, medium strength threadlocker. Mounting the Frame Arms The frame arm cables come with heat shrink tubing for easy wiring. Remove the tubing from the cables just before connecting the cables. ESC Signal Cable Propeller CW or CCW Mark Propeller Cover Motor Arm Screws Front / Rear Indicator Screw Holes Arm Tube Propeller Holder Power Cables 1. Preparing the frame arms. Check for cracks on all propellers. Ensure all the screws are secured in position. Ensure all motors are mounted correctly and firmly and are free from obstruction. Mount the arms with red motor bases to the M1 and M2 positions (on both sides of battery compartment No. 1) to indicate the nose direction of the Matrice 600. When viewed from above with battery compartment No. 1 facing forward, the M1 position is on the right side of battery compartment No. 1, and the M2 - M6 positions are arranged counter-clockwise from M1. [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre drone DJI MATRICE 600 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mardi 1 Janvier 2020.

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