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Le mode d'emploi DJI FLAME WHEEL 450 vous rend service

Vous aimeriez savoir pourquoi, après un an sans utilisation, malgré le changement des piles et la charge de la batterie, votre drone refuse de se calibrer et de décoller alors que vous suivez la procédure habituelle. Vous ignorez pourquoi, après 1 an sans utilisation, votre drone qui fonctionnait très bien ne parvient plus à se calibrer et à décoller. Vous souhaitez connaître la cause en consultant le mode d'emploi car cela fait 1 an que vous n'avez pas utilisé votre drone DJI FLAME WHEEL 450 qui marchait très bien. Vous voulez savoir pourquoi votre drone, qui fonctionnait très bien il y a un an, ne parvient plus à se calibrer et à décoller malgré vos tentatives actuelles. Vous voulez savoir pourquoi votre drone, qui fonctionnait parfaitement il y a un an, refuse maintenant de se calibrer et de décoller après une longue période d'inutilisation. En consultant la notice, vous pourrez comprendre pourquoi votre drone DJI FLAME WHEEL 450, qui fonctionnait parfaitement il y a un an, refuse de se calibrer et de décoller malgré le changement de piles et le chargement de la batterie.

Extrait du mode d'emploi DJI FLAME WHEEL 450

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

s. All Rights Reserved. 3 In Box Top Board 450FBT ×1 Bottom Board 450FBB ×1 Frame Arms 450FAC ×2 Frame Arms 450FAW ×2 10in Propeller 450P10×2 Pairs 8in Propeller Pairs 450P08×2 Motors 450MOT ×4 ESC 450ESC ×4 + Screws 450-M3×8 ×16 Screws 450-M2.5×6 ×24 U 15A OPTO V W Magic Strap 450MSX ×1, Battery Band 450BBX ×1 Power Line Pair 450PLP ×1, Small Wrench 450SW ×1 ©2012 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved. 4 Tools Needed 2.0mm Hex Wrench Screw Glue Nylon Cable Tie Scissors Diagonal Cutting Pliers Foam Double Sided Adhesive Tape Soldering-iron & wires For fixing receiver, controller and other modules. For connecting ESCs’ power cables to bottom board. For binding devices and wires. For frame and motors installation. For fastening screws. ESC Wiring ESC ESC Power Pads ESC ESC To Battery Important     Please solder ESCs to power pads on bottom board as the figure shows. Use any insulating method at all soldering spots. Make sure there is no short or open circuit. Make sure the side of power pads is upward. Make sure the rotation direction of each motor is the same as the way in the figure of “Assembly” shows. If not, switch any of two wire connections of the incorrect motor to change its rotation direction. ©2012 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved. 5 Assembly 2 S crew M2 . 5x6 Top board 1 3 S crew M3x8 4 Bottom Board Step 2 Install autopilot system Step 3 Install motors, ESCs Step 4 Install top board Step 5 Install propellers Step 1 Install bottom board Install screws by appropriate force to prevent breaking threads. Use adequate screw glue for installing screws. Please wire neatly. Make sure wires will not be cut by frame boards and propellers. Smooth out the boards edge if necessary. Please install propellers after autopilot system configuration procedure. Make sure the rotation direction of propellers are the same as the figure shows. When mounting the propellers, do not use any thread locker, just tighten the nuts to the end manually then use the wrench to tighten it about 50°. In up figure, arms ①② front of craft, arms ③④ are back of craft. You'd better choose the same color arms for the same direction. See from top, motors on arms ①③ rotate counter-clock wise, use propellers 8045/1038; motors on arms ②④ rotate clock wise, use propellers 8045R/1038R. ©2012 DJI Innovations. All Rights Rese [...] (F450) is a multi-rotor designed for all pilots for fun or AP. With DJI WKM or NAZA autopilot system, it can achieve hovering, cruising, even rolling and other flight elements. It can be applied for entertainment, aerial photography, FPV and other aero-modeling activities. ©2012 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved. 2 Contents Disclaimer.......................................................................................................................2 F450 Profile ....................................................................................................................2 Contents .........................................................................................................................3 Product Usage Cautions.................................................................................................3 In Box .............................................................................................................................4 Tools Needed .................................................................................................................5 ESC Wiring .....................................................................................................................5 Assembly ........................................................................................................................6 ESC Sound Introduction .................................................................................................7 Specifications .................................................................................................................7 Product Usage Cautions When flying, the fast rotating propellers of FlameWheel450 will cause serious damage and injury. Therefore, please fly with a high safety consciousness. 1. Keep flying multi-rotor away from objects, such as obstacles, human beings, high-voltage lines and so on. 2. Do not get close to or even touch the working motors and propellers, which will cause serious injury. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do not over load the multi-rotor. Check that the propellers and the motors are installed correctly and firmly before flight. Make sure the rotation direction of each propeller is correct Check whether all parts of multi-rotor are in good condition before flight. Do not fly with old or broken parts. 7. Use DJI parts as much as possible. If you have any problem you cannot solve during installation, please contact our customer service. ©2012 DJI Innovation [...]..

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre drone DJI FLAME WHEEL 450 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mardi 1 Janvier 2020.

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