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Les modes d'emploi poussette CONCORD QUIX (et CONCORD TRIO WANDERER, NEO MOBILITY, ION) vous rendent service
Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre poussette CONCORD : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction.
Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice CONCORD QUIX
Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.
Le fabricant n’engage aucune responsabilité pour les dommages concernant les produits qu’il n’a pas livrés. [...] _ REGLAGE DU REPOSE-PIEDS Vous pouvez bloquer le repose-pieds (07) en position supérieure. Pour le débloquer, appuyez simultanément sur les leviers de déverrouillage (06) à gauche et à droite, sur la face inférieure du repose-pieds. Déplacez alors le repose-pieds (07) vers le bas et relâchez les leviers de déverrouillage (06). Dépliez totalement la protection contre la pluie avant de l‘utiliser. Tirez-la du haut vers le bas sur le CONCORD QUIX. [...]..
Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice CONCORD TRIO WANDERER
This makes it simple to attach them to the CONCORD WANDERER. Before use, check that the CONCORD accessory is correctly locked into place in the CONCORD WANDERER. Please also follow the operating instructions included with the CONCORD accessory. 33 32 _ USING THE HARNESSING SYSTEM Take care that your child is always strapped in, with the buckle fastened, whenever you go out with the pushchair. Adjust the straps so that they are taut and lie close against the child. To adjust the strap length, slide the strap clasps up or down. Check that the straps are not twisted. [...] To release, press and hold the safety push-buttons on the inside of the release levers (13) and pull both of the release levers upwards. _ USING THE SAFETY BRAKE To enable the safety brake on CONCORD WANDERER, press down the foot lever (17) on the right-hand rear wheel. Fold the handlebar (02) downwards. Now use the strap on the folding mechanism to pull the CONCORD WANDERER upwards until it is completely folded together. WARNING! If the parking brake of the pram is activated, make sure that the parking brake is correctly engaged. [...]..
Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice CONCORD NEO MOBILITY
Then join the zip on the inside of the sun shade to the seat cover. To remove the sun shade, undo the zip and pull the sun shade upwards and away from the seat frame. WARNING! Do not place loads/objects on the sun canopy. 36 37 _ ADJUSTING THE HANDLEBAR The handlebar can be adjusted to seven different positions. To do this, release the positioning mechanism by pressing both the unlocking buttons (02) on the left and right of the handlebar and move the bar until it engages in the next position. _ ADJUSTING THE FOOTREST You can adjust the footrest (07) to five different positions. [...] To fold down the CONCORD NEO, first adjust the seat angle on the seat frame (03) to position P (see ADJUSTING THE SEAT ANGLE). The unlocking levers are located on the left and right of the handle. To unlock, press and hold the safety button on the inside of the left unlocking lever (14) and pull both unlocking levers upwards. Now push the handlebar forwards/down until the transport locking device engages. [...]..
Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice CONCORD ION
The cover fabrics can easily fade when they come into contact with moisture, especially during washing. Do not use solvents! 30° 7. Sun shade (accessories) The sun shade is clipped onto the two side lugs (Figure 7). The child seat may also be placed on a Concord buggy and locked into position. It can be released again by pressing the locking button on the carrying handle. Important information, Note! Please note the instructions in the car’s operating manual for transporting children in a car. [...] 7 kg (Figure 4. Installing the seat GB Note! The seat may only be installed in a rearfacing position! - Place the child seat on the vehicle seat and swivel the carrying handle to position A (Figure 5. 2, Section 2). - Pass the vehicle belt around the seat (Figure 5. 2) and secure the vehicle belt lock in the vehicle buckle with a clearly audible “click”. - Thread the lap belt through both guides. [...]..