Notice CANON FC 224
Le mode d'emploi CANON FC 224 vous rend service
La langue d'utilisation de votre photocopieur est actuellement paramétrée sur l'anglais, vous préféreriez qu'elle soit en français. Le manuel de votre CANON FC 224 vous expliquera comment changer rapidement la langue de votre appareil à l'aide de son menu de paramétrage. Votre photocopieur s'éteint tout seul au bout de quelques heures, seulement vous préféreriez que ce mode d’économie d’énergie ne se mette pas en place automatiquement. Vous venez de vous apercevoir que votre photocopieur restait figé sur son écran de démarrage et ne passait pas à l'écran d'accueil. Une petite bande noire de 5 millimètres de large s’imprime systématiquement en bas à droite de vos tirages. Vous parviendrez à faire disparaitre l'anomalie d’impression qui se manifeste sur la zone inférieure de vos copies en consultant le guide de votre CANON FC 224.
Extrait du mode d'emploi CANON FC 224
Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.
With a 50 sheet multi bypass and the added ability to take other feedstocks, the FC336 copies from books and even 3-D objects up to 2kg. It also has the capacity to copy anything instantly The desktop dynamo that processes all your paperwork desktop dynamo cruises along smoothly at 4 copies per minute – Flexible enough to work with plain paper and a range of other feed stocks such as OHP film, copier labels and post cards, the FC224 only pauses for refilling every 50 sheets and is easily capable of handling up to 500 copies per month. The zero warm up time and easy to use all-in-one replacement cartridge saves you waiting around or messing about with lots of parts before you start. There’s a wide choice of four colours for copying and a shade more peace of mind through the free one year on-site warranty. Almost silent in running and quietly cost effective, this amazingly adaptable machine is the perfect answer for people who hate wasting valuable working time down at the copy shop. And looks great on any desk too! Easily portable and equally light on your pocket, this flexible family of copiers are fast for their class and full of advanced features. There’s no warm up time, you can copy in a choice of four colours and the allin-one replacement cartridge make your working life maintenance free. personal copiers adds a professional touch to your serious and social paperwork. A highly productive machine with no warm up time, the FC204 moves your workload along at a highly respectable 4 copies per minute. It’s also a tough small copier, handling up to 500 copies a month with ease. The simple design is based around an all-in-one replacement cartridge which is The user friendly copier with more flexibility with no warm up time. While the stylish colours are designed to blend in with your surroundings, this flexible office dynamo also offers a matchless choice of 4 colours for copying. Not that there’s any messing around with parts and toner the simple all-in-one replacement cartridge can be changed in seconds. To make it even more user friendly, the FC336 comes with a one year on-site warranty for perfect peace of mind. [...] There’s no warm up time, you can copy in a choice of four colours and the allin-one replacement cartridge make your working life maintenance free. personal copiers adds a professional touch to your serious and social paperwork. A highly productive machine with no warm up time, the FC204 moves your workload along at a highly respectable 4 copies per minute. It’s also a tough small copier, handling up to 500 copies a month with ease. The simple design is based around an all-in-one replacement cartridge which is The user friendly copier with more flexibility with no warm up time. While the stylish colours are designed to blend in with your surroundings, this flexible office dynamo also offers a matchless choice of 4 colours for copying. Not that there’s any messing around with parts and toner the simple all-in-one replacement cartridge can be changed in seconds. To make it even more user friendly, the FC336 comes with a one year on-site warranty for perfect peace of mind. It makes any other personal copier look like hard work! The portable lightweight that makes you look heavyweight amazingly easy to change and copies in a choice of 4 colours, adding a touch more sophistication to your personal stationery. The FC204 will also accept OHP film, copier labels and postcards as well as standard A4 sheets. Quiet, hard working and with a free one year on-site warranty this is one tiny copier that is massive on economy. dj’s rave about vicars use them caterers religiously are served by students graduate to artists them are drawn to them them them what can have such a personal effect on so many people? Canon personal copiers offer perfect office solutions to all kinds of people. This top quality lightweight range from the heavyweight champions of office solutions is the ideal first step to making your paperwork more professional. FC204 Whatever your small business needs, the busy FC204 can be a big help. With its stylish design the FC204 is compact, portable and perfect for the home or small office, this pocket Hercules of FC224 Whether you’re coping full-time or part-time, the snazzy pint sized FC224 is perfect every time. Compact and very portable, this lightweight FC336 The Canon FC336 is the kind of quiet but hard working assistant that every small or home office could benefit from. [...]..
Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre photocopieur CANON FC 224 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mercredi 3 Mars 2019.