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Extrait du mode d'emploi BRIGGS & STRATTON TOUCH-N-MOW

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

smoq sandads. Eheuftre in he Unibd Sbbs. ne non-Dad. sparkiqnilion efiines ceô'fied t|o smission confd ESo. n on modéyear1997and|timustmeetsimkslandaldssotbùbyihou. s'EFAB&smu51l4ararwheleâwarrantab|econditionexists,B&swi||IeiyoÙi induding diagnosis, pads and labor lor you ngino lor h6 psdods oflime lisled beior'r, plvided tÉre hos bfi semblies. Briggs & Skatlon Emigsion Contlol Dolocls Warlnly Coverage Smalt off-road enoines are wamnted relative io emission contol oarts delecls lor a Deiod ol two set loÉh below. lf any covercd part on iour 6ngino is doloètivr, the part will be repaired 0l replaced by B&S. yea6, subie. t to drovisions Ownlr's Wa(anty Rssponslbllltles Asthesmâ||o||. raden0ineownetvoualelesDonsib|efollheDefomanceo|lheleouirdmaintg. nanc|istedinyoUop6ratingand[. 4aintonanlb|nstrction'b&sIecommsndslhaiyourebina|| your recoipts covedng maintonanc on you small olf-road engine, but B&S cannot deny 3ob|yfoItho|ackofràcoiplsoI|oIyouiai|ulo1oonsurothêpëIlormanceofal|schedu|édmâint wârranly amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. B&S Seruice Reorcsentativè at 1-414-25$5262. flance. klhesmâ||olf-radengineownel,yoUshoU|dhowevelbawarothatB&smaydenyyouwaantyTheemissionwa[anlyisadofswa[a4De|Ûêj coveragg if your smail ofl-toad gngino or a paft has failod due to abuse. neglocl, impropr nanc6 or unaoorcvd modificalions. mâinle- ïhe wafianty is not rclaled h an in-use emission tesl. Briggs & Stralton Embsion Control Detocl8 Wafianty Provlsions The|o||owingdespeci[cpovisiix1srldivebyourEmissioncoftdD{o6Wnântyco/e|age'hi6inaddiuonbÉB&s0gin9varantyfrmn{u|#Ùg|n6bud 1. Wananted Parts Coverage under this warranty extends only to the parts listed below (the emission control systems parts) to the extent these parts were present on the engine purchased. Length of Coverage B&S wanants to the initial owner and each subsequent purchaser that the Warranted Parts shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship which caused the failure of the Warranted Parts for a period of two years from the date the engine is delivered to a retail purchaser. Fuel Metering System 3. [...] Consequential Coverage Coverage hereundershallextend tothefailure of any engine components caused bythe failure of any Warranted Part still under warranty. Look For Relevant Emission Durability Period and Air Index Information 0n Yout Engine Emission Label Énginesthalarceifodtomeettheca|i|orniaAjrRosoulcesBoard(cARB)Iel2Emis makes his inlormation avâilâble lo the consumer on our emission labels. The sngins ThoEmi!sionDursbi|ityP9doddoscribeslhenUmbero|houlsofac'tua|l|lnninglime & Maintengncê Insttuctions. The tollowing catego es Engine is cartified 10 be emission Inlrrmedlatr: Engine is cedified 1o be emission Ëngine is cdiliêd to be emission label will ifldicate cedification infomaiion. lrodarrh: Eriandod: arc usod: compliant lor 125 hours of actual engine running lime. compliant lor 250 hou|B of actual engine running ùme. complianû for 500 houls ol actual engine running ime. Folexanp|e,atypica|wa|k-behind|awnmowg|isu6od20lo25hoUFpÛyoal'Th6lefore'hêEmbs|onDuhb||ilyPedodo|ânenginewith lie Air Index is a calculated êmission lâbel. After July 1, 2000, Look For Emissions Compliance Period On Engine Emissions Compliance Label AftgJu|y1,2000cêfinBdggs&stlattonongineswi||becadifedtomollheUnibdstalesEnvilonmenlalPlole|on Emissiois Ôompliance Pe oi loss than 225cc di6placomont, Catogory C = 125 hou6, B = 250 hou|s and A = 500 houls. For engines ol225 c. ormore, Category C = 250 houls, B = 500 houls and A = 1000 hour8. This is a generic representation of the emission label typically found on a certified engine. (This page applicable in the U. and Canada only. ) Brlggs & Shatton Coryoration (B&S),lhê Calilomla AL Rlsources Boald (CAnB) and the ljnlted States Envirunmenttl Protection Agency {U. EPA) EmÊiion Conhol System Waranty Slatement (Owner's Defecl Wanrnty Rig ! a|!d Obligations) EIIIISSION CONTROL WAÀRANTY COVERAGE IS APPUCÂBIE TO CEFITIFIED ENGINES CHÆED IN C"qUFORNIA IN 1995 AND THEREAFTER, WHICH ABE USED N GqUFORNIA The Calilomia Al RsourcG Board (CAFB), U. EPA and B&S arc deasd b oQlain t|e Conùd Slysbm \,!hnânty on your modd yed 2000 ând hbr smâf of-oad endne (SoFÊ). In PURA}'ID TO CERflFIED MODELYEAB 1S7 AND TATER ENGINES WHICH ABE PURCHASED AND USED EISEUHÊFE IN THÊ UNITED STAIES {AND AFTER JANUARY I, 2OO1 IN CANADA), engine. California, United Stales and Canadr Enission Conlrol Delects Warranly Statemont m ab6e, negle. [...]..

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