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Notice BRANDT AX445FE1

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Extrait du mode d'emploi BRANDT AX445FE1

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

When the battery symbol is completely un-shaded and flashing, the detector will sound an alarm before displaying the message `FLAT BATTERY SHUTDOWN' and turning itself off. To start detecting again, remove the battery and replace with a fully charged battery. p10 5. headphones www. minelab. com 5. Headphones The use of headphones while treasure hunting can reduce the distraction of external noise and allow the operator to hear softer target signals. While the use of headphones is not necessary during operation, the reduced power demands of the headphones will extend battery life. The 1/4" socket for the headphone plug is located in the top right of the rubber seal at the top of the handle assembly. The headphones may be plugged into this socket or unplugged at any stage of operation. We would recommend a comfortable feeling headphone with a high (32+) ohm rating. Minelab's Custom Koss headphones available as an accessory are rated at 100 ohm. quick start 6. Quick Start · Simply turn on the Quattro MP by pressing the POWER button. · On the initial start-up, your detector will default to the factory COIN mode. · To select a different factory pre-set Detect mode, press and release the appropriate mode button. · The icon next to the corresponding preset mode, indicates that a factory preset mode has been selected. The detector will apply the factory determined discrimination pattern, and audio response for that mode. · Press the NOISE CANCEL button and wait the 20 seconds it takes to select the most stable channel. · Once the sound sequence is completed, you can start detecting! p11 7. control panel www. minelab. com 7. Control Panel 1. Power (On/Off) 2. Display Meter 3. Detect Modes a. Coin Mode b. Coin & Jewelry Mode c. Relic Mode d. All Metal Mode 4. Menu/Select 5. -/+ (Minus / Plus) 6. Accept/Reject 7. Pinpoint 8. Noise Cancel 7. [...] Although this technology has served the industry well for years, Minelab's scientists found that a frequency that worked well in one area would often offer only marginal performance when used in another location. Ground mineralization, trash content, and target size all had an effect on how effective a detector transmitting a single or dual frequency would operate. Full Band Spectrum technology combined with a powerful new microprocessor gives you: 1. Greater detecting depth · Consistent sensitivity over a wide range of targets · Circuitry that reduces interference from electromagnetic sources · More accurate identification of target characteristics The Full Band Spectrum (FBS) circuit automatically transmits multiple frequencies ranging from 1. 5 kHz to 100 kHz simultaneously. This increased frequency range means that the signal received from the detector coil is analyzed from a wide range of responses. This information is relayed to the operator via the speaker or headphones and the control panel's display as an audio or visual target response. Put simply, Minelab's unique FBS technology means deeper, more sensitive, and more accurate detecting. Ground Compensation The Quattro MP uses a sophisticated approach to the elimination of signals caused by ground mineralization. Unlike other forms of ground balancing that require constant readjustment, FBS technology uses advanced digital filtering to eliminate the influence of ground signals. Operating Frequencies A metal detector's electromagnetic operating frequencies are measured in kiloHertz (kHz). Low signal frequencies (e. 5 kHz) penetrate deepest, but sensitivity to smaller targets is low. On the other hand, higher frequencies (e. 100 kHz) have a more shallow depth of penetration but high sensitivity to small targets...

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre BRANDT AX445FE1 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Mercredi 6 Juin 2012.

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