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Extrait du mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX VAMPYR5090.0

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

‡ Refrigerator temperature segment will show “SC” during this mode. ‡ Refrigerator bar graphic lights will be off. ‡ +ROLGD\ DQG (FRQRP\ PRGHV ZLOO QRW ZRUN XQWLO VXSHU FRROLQJ PRGH ¿QLVKHV ‡ Super Freezing and Freezer temperature adjusting can be enabled. ‡ Refrigerator temperature adjusting can be done but will not be active until super cooling ¿QLVKHV ‡ Mode will be cancelled if selected super cooling mode symbol again Note: When the sensor of the refrigerator compartment reaches -4°C or the function stops automatically after 8 hours. The reason of this time period was restricted as 8 hours is to prevent food freezing risks which can be occured by powerful cooling attribute. UK - 9 - Turbo mode “Turbo” mode cannot be selected individually. When will apply; Turbo symbol will light when both Super cooling and super freezing symbol is selected How to use ; ‡ Press Mode button until Super Freezing symbol will light. Symbol will blink 5 times and D EHHS RI FRQ¿UPDWLRQ ZLOO VRXQG LI XVHU GRHV QRW SXVK DQ\ EXWWRQ ZLWKLQ  VHFRQGV ‡ Please repeat the same operation to set “Super Cooling” ‡ After the two functions are selected, you will see “Turbo” symbol which is displayed automatically between super freezing and super cooling ‡ When “Turbo” mode is on, Frzeer temperature segment will show “SF” and Refrigerator temperature segment will show “SC”. ‡ Freezer and refrigerator bar graphic lights will be off. ‡ +ROLGD\ DQG (FRQRP\ PRGHV ZLOO QRW ZRUN XQWLO ³7XUER´ PRGH ¿QLVKHV ‡ Freezer and refrigerator temperature’s adjusting can be done but will not be active until super freezing and super cooling are deactivated. [...] 26 Repositioning the Door. 26 UK - 1 - BEFORE CALLING THE SERVICE. 27 Tips For Saving Energy. 30 THE PARTS OF THE APPLIANCE AND THE COMPARTMENTS31 THE PARTS OF THE APPLIANCE AND THE COMPARTMENTS32 PART- 1. BEFORE USING YOUR REFRIGERATOR Safety Information If your appliance uses R600 as a refrigerant – you can learn this information from the label on the cooler- you should be careful during shipment and montage to prevent your appliance’s cooler elements from being damaged. Although R600a is a environmental friendly and natural gas, as it is explosive, in case of a leakage to be occurred due to a damage in the cooler elements move your fridge from RSHQ ÀDPH RU KHDW VRXUFHV DQG YHQWLODWH WKH URRP ZKHUH WKH DSSOLDQFH LV ORFDWHG for a few minutes. ‡ While carrying and positioning the fridge, do not give damage to the cooler gas circuit. ‡ If your old fridge has a lock, break or remove the lock before discarding it, because children may get trapped inside it and may cause an accident. ‡ Old fridges and freezers contain isolation material and refrigerant with CFC. Therefore, take care not to harm environment when you are discarding your old fridges. IMPORTANT NOTES: ‡ Please read the instruction manual carefully before installing and using your appliance. Our company is not responsible of the damage occurred due to misuse. ‡ Follow all instructions on your appliance and instruction manual, and keep this manual in a safe place to resolve the problems that may occur in the future...

Téléchargez votre notice ! Téléchargement gratuit et sans inscription de tous types de documents pour mieux utiliser votre AEG-ELECTROLUX VAMPYR5090.0 : mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, manuel d'instruction. Cette notice a été ajoutée le Lundi 2 Février 2008.

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   AEG-ELECTROLUX VAMPYR5090.0 (478 ko)